Elishua Dewey Bio

Elishua Dewey experienced a life-transforming encounter with Jesus. After being in a 7-year battle with drug addiction and violent behavior, the spirit of God came upon his life in the kingdom of God biblical-type fashion setting him free from being demon-possessed. In this encounter, God the father said to Elishua " I could have crushed you with my hand, but I loved you with my heart" confirming the VOICE he heard to be the God of the bible. The bible says that " God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever would believe would receive eternal life and never perish." john 3:16. Since then Elishua has been gifted prophetical in prayer and intercession, fasting many years and praying as led by the Spirit for the nations. In 2011 the Lord led Elishua over to the UK as a missionary, where he fasted Traveling and prayed for Great Britain. During this time, he studied at IBIOL Elim international bible school under the author of God's Generals - Robert Liardon, Receiving major impartations from him and receiving his higher learning diploma in Christian Ministry. While launching out into the field to win souls.  Seeing 1000'S with his team record-making first-time decisions for Christ in the first few years. 

Recently Elishua became an author, finishing his first book called - Every day in the life of Jesus- following the son of God and Holds a weekly spot on FAITH WORLD T.V. Elishua has led gospel missions into Africa seeing signs and wonders.

 Traveling evangelist - He has ministered in  Australia, Singapore, France, Romania, Switzerland, U.S.A, and  East Africa and carries a heart to see the pure gospel restored in the nations of the earth.

 Elishua's heart's desire is  for  the name of Jesus to be made manifest in this generation and that 

many  will be touched and changed by his love 

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