Divine Nature Live Streaming


The God of the Bible has characteristics that define s who He is. He alone carries them in His own unique nature - these are called the essential ATTRIBUTES of GOD. The bible teaches us in Gen 2:7 that man is made in the image of GOD. That we bare His image that incorporate distinct character traits and abilities that derive from His nature. These attributes and quality traits in the man-made in His image are called moral attributes. Gods character and nature can be seen by what He has revealed of himself to man in His name's. God governs himself according to his divine nature. He does nothing outside of his character and who His name shows Him to be. This is why we can rely on and trust in who He IS. The Bible tells us in the book of Hebrews chapter 11:6 that those of us who come to Him must first believe, have a moral conviction that He IS who He says He Is. The bible tells us that He is Immutable (unchanging) that He IS love, that He is Almighty and ALL powerful, that He IS everlasting, that He IS All sufficient, that He IS in all places at all times, that He IS the Lord who heals, the Lord who hears, the Lord who answers and the Lord who rewards those who diligently seek Him. The names of God carry the very revelation of His divine attributes – revealing to us His Divine nature.

In psalm 138:2 The psalmist writes that God Has magnified His word above His very name. The written word of God holds the revelation of His name. In order to see Him we need a revelation of His names in the written word of God - the Holy Bible. When we see Him in all his glory – we begin to see who we really are as created beings made in His image. It is the word of God that unveils, unfolds and reveals the glories of the name of God. When we ask Him to show us his glory, in essence we asking him to show us the manifestation of the fullness of His name. The Divine nature conference is an equipping and enabling conference that empowers and teaches the believer the dynamics about the divine nature of Christ in all who believe (John 1:12) and all who are born again (John 3:7) FOUNTAIN LIFE is anointed to function to move the body of Christ into the fullness of Christ in them. We aim to impart and impact and equip - ever believer in the body of Christ. This will cause beievers to grow in the character and anointing of Christ and flow out into every part of society the abundant fountain of Christ in them - fulfilling the great commission and changing the world we live in. We aim to launch the divine nature conference throughout Africa, UK and France. The intention of this is to make disciples of the nations. If you have a burning heart for this type of move in God, please get in contact with us. Together we can make a greater impact.

Get in contact with Ev Elishua

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